My dad is honestly the greatest guy I know. I'm not just saying that. If you met him, I guarantee you would pretty much fall in love with him (in a non-creepy way) too. He's honestly the nicest, most positive and fun guy I have ever met and always seems to make things better when he's around, even if they are not-so-good. He and my husband are actually very similar (they say you marry someone like your dad, right??) and I couldn't be more lucky to have such a great guy that has helped raise me, had fun with me, disciplined me (when I needed it of course), coached me, taught me things and helped mold me into the person I am today. I'm pretty much a daddy's girl and Jimmy says my dad still spoils my sister and I a ton (like when he sometimes randomly takes our cars and gets the oil changed and fills them up with gas)...but now that we are adults and both out of the house, I think he likes doing that kind of stuff for us. And guess what? I love him for it even more because it's just those little things every once and a while that makes me feel like a kid again and that someone will always be there to take care of me - which I know he and my mom will always be there if something ever was to happen.
My dad plays A LOT of roles in his life. He's an 8th grade science teacher by profession, but also a coach of pretty much every sport and sometimes even helps out as the janitor at school. At home, he's pretty much the best handy man you will ever meet. He says he can give everything a try - except plumbing. But I'm pretty sure he has moved the cable/internet outlets in our house like 15 times (including last weekend from the nursery to the living room....) and it's little things like that he can do that pretty much continues to amaze me!
Obviously he plays the role as a husband and a dad all the time. In 2010, he got to take on the role as being the father of the bride. And he was pretty darn good at it. Showing up at the hair salon with some bagels at 7AM (after driving to multiple Paneras to get the kind of cream cheese I wanted because he knew it would make me happy...), having the greatest father of the bride speech ever and of course...walking me down the aisle with my mom. When I was thinking about who I wanted to walk me down the aisle, I knew I wanted it to be BOTH my mom and dad because they both were there for me all my life and I wanted them to BOTH be there to "give me away". Well thank goodness for that because my mom and I were a complete mess (because when one of us cries, the other does and we cannot stop) and we were pretty much sprinting down the aisle. My dad was the calm one, smiling and making us slow down. I love this picture that our photographers caught.

My dad also plays the role of middle son to my grandparents that live in northwest Iowa. Even though it's as 5.5-6 hour drive up there, he makes SEVERAL trips up there a year with us and even more just solo to go visit them. I know he loves getting back up to Iowa and getting some time to relax and spend with his parents and helping them out and get around town with the things they need because my grandpa is sick. He is such a great son that cares so much for his parents and it's such a great example to live by.
He also really likes to eat (but I mean really, who doesn't??). This was my sister and him at the pizza hut buffet we found on the way back from one of our Iowa trips. My dad loves buffets - which is probably where I get that love from, because so do I!
Another thing he loves?? SWEETS!! And especially those that my grandma makes and sends him home with when we leave Iowa. I found this picture and it made me laugh. This is in my grandparents apartment and my dad is probably taking the whole thing home. Jimmy and I always laugh because my grandma packs him a cooler when he leaves there house with food and sweets and it usually takes him an hour or less into the drive (even if we leave at like 8AM) to bust out a sweet treat for the road. Jimmy is NOT a fan of sweets so he thinks it's crazy, but my dad LOVES them. All sweets.
Did I mention he's fun and funny? Check out this hat he got and wore last winter. My dad is one of those guys that almost always has a smile on his face and is always trying to make other people happy too. Guess what dad? You succeed. You can always put a smile on my face!
And check out he and my mom! Married for 32 years this last May. They are pretty cute and I think are starting to get more adjusted to being true empty-nesters now that my sister bought her own house. However, they are getting ready to add some fun to their house with lots of baby stuff too!! Oh the new roles that life brings us, right??
Bruns Family picture |
Here is just a cute picture of my dad and mom and my grandparents with Jimmy and I this memorial day. And my preggo stomach that I thought was HUGE at the time. Haha. 5 days until I give birth and I will be the first to tell you, in May my stomach was not huge.

And of course, one of the roles that my dad loves best is playing home remodeler/house project coordinator at our house and my sister's house now too. He is always up for anything. We have literally renovated our entire house and changed every room in some way shape or form. The last room we just finished was gutting our guest bathroom and making it brand new. My dad is ALWAYS up for the challenge and is dedicated and precise...that everything always ends up perfect. He is even good at tallying up how much everything is and asking for a check at the end!! But we couldn't be more appreciative for all the help my dad (and mom) have been with our house and making it truly into our home. We are so excited to bring our little baby back to this home because it's already so special to us!!

But a new role that my dad will embark on during his 59th year of life?? Being a grandpa for the first time to a BOY!! Yep, after having two girls of his own - his first grandchild is a little boy. In looking at all the roles my dad has played and continues to play in his life and what a great influence he is to my sister, Jimmy and I and all his students and peers....I really cannot think of a better person who would make a better grandpa. We are still not sure what we are going to call him - I think maybe Papa B? Not sure...but regardless of what that is, I cannot wait for my son to meet his grandpa Bruns/Papa B/my dad for the first time. I know my dad's heart is just going to melt, which just makes my heart melt. I'm preparing for lots of happy tears in the next week or so as we all move into this chapter of Jimmy and I's life together.

So Dad, here's to a wonderful 59 years so far, and here's to many many more. We love you so much and cannot wait for these new adventures we will get to have with you together with our son!! You are going to make the best grandpa ever and we love you!!! Have a very happy birthday - and maybe I'll go into labor??? Haha!