Oh my - October is here and what a first week of October it has been for our family!!
First things first. Never take 3 kids to the dentist alone. Ever.
Second, after our adventure on Monday with the big kids and then a quiet (last) afternoon together, Tuesday morning, I went with Jimmy and dropped this little man off at daycare. He is going to an in-home and the lady watching him is just amazing. And my new favorite. She is a little older than my parents and has been watching kiddos for over 40 years now. I love going to pick him up because she feels like a grandma...she is asking me how my day is, telling me about his day, etc. His first day he did great (me not so much..but I kept busy...and then the next day I went to work!)

While Mikey was at daycare, I finished painting the table that is going in the nursing room at my work to put my pump on and my bag underneath - Jimmy put it together for me and it looks amazing!!
And then guess what? Wednesday, October 5 came and I got up, worked out, got ready, packed up my stuff and the kids stuff and went to work for the first time in 11 weeks!
And thank goodness I do not drop off everyday....because I would be a mess. Again, thank God for Jimmy in my life. Walking out the door at home versus dropping them off is so much easier. And it helps that I love my job and my coworkers and there is PLENTY to keep me busy and distracted at work.
So yeah. Wednesday - Friday we went back to the grind and I quickly remembered how much I am literally TIED to the pump. Sheesh. Worth it, but always pumping it feels like!!
On Friday,
my sweet grandma that we just visited last month turned NINETY!!! It also marked three years since
we said goodbye to my sweet grandpa (her husband). While we didn't get to be there to celebrate with her, we did get to Facetime with her since my dad was up there and we sent her a pretty fun photo book with some pictures of the kids and pictures of our visit. My dad said she loved it and I'm SOOO glad!
Saturday morning, we headed out to our annual pumpkin patch trip with the Matlock family. It's crazy to think that our first trip in 2012, we only had Jack and Charlie and look at this motley crew now! We love Schaake's Pumpkin Patch just outside of Lawrence because it's not super crowded (especially if you get there early), it's free, plenty of stuff to do AND we always take our crew to eat on Mass Street after. Awesome! I won't detail you the drama in getting there (we were 40 minutes late - sorry Emily!). From forcing people to get dressed, getting lost, just a typical morning in the Carter house...crazy chaos right?
This girl though. Completely melts my heart. Even if she is a little crazy. Crazy good.
Afterwords, we went to Jefferson's and while I did enjoy a few fried pickles, I didn't eat wings there. AHHHH! I know. It wasn't because I didn't want the fried wings...it was because the blue cheese dressing is really what I love and with avoiding dairy due to breastfeeding- I figured I might as well just eat a salad. And guess what? It was delicious!
Kids woke up from naps and it was time to try out the new toy that Jimmy found on Craigslist for Charlie. Long story short, a boy down the street had this car and Charlie loved it so Jimmy decided to hunt for it for a Christmas present. You read that right...Christmas. Yeah. Well, he found it for like $60 and got it and of course (in true Jimmy fashion), he was so excited and gave it to Charlie early. SUCH a sucker. But the good news is - they completely loved it. Duh, why wouldn't they!? In the mean time, Mikey and I chilled in the shade.
Love this little man!
Around dinner time, we headed up to our church for the annual fall festival that is always SOOOOOO fun. This year it was even better! They had 3 bounce houses, so many fun games, hamburgers and hot dogs, trunk or treat, petting zoo...and ended the night with FIREWORKS. It's always a hit or miss with fireworks for our crew, but Charlie told us he could handle them this year. And while Maddie was double fisting her suckers...we all enjoyed the awesome fireworks. So happy that our neighbors came with us too - they have a little boy that is the same age as Maddie and they had a blast too!
Sunday, I was up and at em to get in my yoga work out - because I was hoping for a little bit of quiet time (you know, deep breathing, relaxation, yoga...). But these kiddos popped in and wanted to join in my fun. I swear - they crack me up.
Before church - this little lovie was all over her little brother. I'm not kidding, she melts my heart when she's this sweet.
Mikey decided to puke all over himself and me at church...so he got naked in the church bathroom. #babylife
After church we split up. Jimmy took Charlie to urgent care as he's had a nasty cough for like 2 weeks now (turned out an upper respiratory infection) and then me and Maddie and Mikey went to Aldi. At least we just needed the basics. After lunch and naps (Maddie took a long nap...while the two boys took cat naps while I folded the bizillion loads of laundry...see pic!) we headed over to Jimmy's parents house for some awesome beef stew and homemade rolls! And brought the Lightning McQueen car (of course).
It was a fun weekend. I'm a little in denial that I have to go back to work FIVE days a week. Sheesh! I hope I will make it. I know I will but I'm exhausted just thinking about it! Hope you had a great weekend too- cheers to October week #2.