For those of you who don't know, Jimmy is catholic and I am methodist and we are actively trying to support each other in our own demoniations and figure out what would work for us. We have been going to my church way far out south in KC the past few weeks, and for Valentine's Day he asked if we could go and try out this new cute Catholic church right by my condo downtown. I said sure why not!?
So 7:30 Sunday morning rolls around and we are up and ready to walk over to the church that starts at 8AM. We walk in, I grab a bulletin and sit down. As I'm scanning the bulletin, I notice that I cannot understand any of the words on the page...oh yeah because they are in LATIN. And I start looking around and every woman has something covering her head (mainly a lace shall thing)...which I would completely expect if we were going to an Islam service (because Jimmy and I have done that before, but I was prepared). I immediately realized this was not like St. Joe where Jimmy usually goes. 8:00 on the dot, the priest walks out with 2 alter boys, faces the alter and starts talking. Again, I cannot understand because he's speaking in Latin. I'm sitting there thinking "Hm, does Jimmy think this is normal, because I cannot understand anything." After we stand for the 3rd time, Jimmy leans over and says..."Next time everyone sit downs, we are leaving." I actually kind of want to stay just to see what happens because I have never seen anything like this before.
After we make our escape out, Jimmy proceeds to let me into something he learned in his Catholic eduation. This was a part of the Catholic church that did not follow most after the reformation in becoming a more liberal church (i.e. speak in English, face the congregation, etc.). So that is why the priest spoke in Latin the whole time facing the crucifix. Now I get it, but am glad that we snuck out a little early. Needless to say, I don't think we'll be going back. I'll stick to sermons that I can understand and relate to.
One last thing, after we left we headed over to Einstein Brothers at Crown Center to grab breakfast with my 25% coupon I found in Sunday morning paper :) The guy in front of us ordered a plain bagel toasted with butter on one side and cream chees on the other. Seemed like an odd order to me, but overall was pretty straight forward. Unfortunately, the lady making the bagels didn't understand. So five minutes later we are still standing there, while I have not had my morning coffee and I'm about to scream. Sunday mornings like this are priceless if you ask me.....
3 weeks ago
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