Friday, October 12, 2012

Magic Bullet = amazing

I have had a magic bullet for like 6 years.  I am not going to lie...I have never used it.  Never.  Like I thought it was so cool and then it sat in my cabinet.  I moved it from college to my parents house to my condo back to my parents and now to it's spot in the back of my cabinet in our house.

Guess what?  I have been making smoothies in the morning and decided that I would give it a try because it would be less stuff to clean.  With a baby around, I need less things to clean.

I freaking love this thing.  That's all I have to say.  Here are a few smoothies I have been making in it.

Peanut butter and banana smoothie - 
Vanilla yogurt
Frozen Banana
1/4 cup (around) of peanut butter
Some milk

Strawberry banana smoothie-
Frozen banana 
2 frozen strawberries
One 80 calorie cup of vanilla yogurt
One 80 calorie cup of strawberry yogurt

All you do is put the stuff in and mix.  However...I started to defrost the fruit first because it blended better in the magic bullet and then I through a few ice cubes in and it's delicious!!

Charlie is not a big fan of I've been avoiding that and just threw in the ice cubes.  Quick, easy and delicious (and healthy) morning treat!!

Ok - that's all.  Just had to say this thing is amazing and I've been missing out for 6 years!!!!!!!!


  1. I love smoothies! Sometimes I'll make one with just frozen stawberries, a banana and orange juice (which would help if you're avoiding dairy!) Although I don't have the convenience of a magic bullet :)

  2. I've been telling you to use that thing forever! Finally you listen to me!

  3. i just discovered a new, delicious looking smoothie recipe. Once I get my hands on some vanilla protein powder I am so making it!

  4. I love our Magic Bullet as well... Here is my go-to smoothie:
    - frozen fruit- obvs
    - vanilla protein power
    - coconut milk and/or almond milk

    SO good!
