Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jimmy and Brittany Babysit

So, while Red and Sue (Jimmy's parents) were watching Maren and Norah one Saturday....Lindsay and Mike were running late back to KC and Sue had a meeting at in come Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Brittany to the rescue! And we were SO happy to get to spend some time with 2 of our beautiful nieces and talk about FUN. We had big plans, even though we didn't get to watch them for that long!

The big plan: build a FORT. This was Jimmy's idea, but he got right to work as soon as we arrived, after a quick game of hide and go seek, of course. Where we figured out that Norah's favorite hiding spot is underneath the kitchen table. So Lindsay, if she is doing that at home, that is where she learned it....from her uncle Jimmy :)

Here is the tent, after it's completion. Jimmy claimed to be the expert...but I added lots of tips to him. I was an architecture major at one point in my college career, so I'm much more of an expert than him!

Cute little Norah bug, very excited about the fort!

Jimmy, Maren and Norah just chilling. The long blanket that acts as the "entrance" was a MUST by Maren's request!

So cute :)

They just look devastated that Norah is not in the tent anymore..

So they shut her out. But, don't worry she is very persistent and got in!

Then she threw on her princess cute!

This was right after Maren asked, "Does Uncle Jimmy wear just his underwear to bed?". I said, "yes, why?". She says, "Well, when we spend the night in the fort tonight, make sure he puts on shorts." HAHAHA

Then she was really upset that she had to leave only an hour and a half or so in the tent, I know how she felt. Never fear though, there are many more tents to come........

Overall, we LOVE babysitting. So fun :) Glad we got to use some of our experience we have gained from volunteering at Sunday School at church!!!

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