Before everything baby Mikey overtakes the blog (birth story, newborn pictures, life with 3!)...I had started to draft this post pre-Mikey and didn't want it to get lost because it was a special "last" weekend as a family of 4 - even though I didn't have the best attitude about it at the time....because 100 degrees and pregnant isn't that fun. So here's a recap of the fun we had exploring KC as our last weekend as Carter party of 4.
So we thought that baby #3 was coming on Friday (7/15) - but as I mentioned...all the #worldseriesbabies in KC kind of messed that up and we got the boot at the hospital (after being wait listed). I got the initial "you're third on the wait list" call around 5:15 on Thursday night. Charlie and I were heading to go see The Secret Life of Pets at 5:30 so at least it took my mind off of it. It was a cute movie with my best little man! (Maddie and dad were at gymnastics!)
Needless to say, Friday was mentally hard for me! I mean tell someone they are going to have a baby and I mentally prepared to meet this little one on Friday and relish in I wouldn't be pregnant anymore. Luckily, Jimmy was at home with me and we spent the day together and got some super spicy Kung pao chicken and hot and sour soup...
...and I cut up a whole pineapple and tried to force myself to eat it!!
By the time we picked the kids up on Friday afternoon, I knew I had to pull it together and relish in the fact it was our last full weekend together as a family of four!! My sister and her husband brought over dinner and hung out, which was delicious and a nice distraction!! So Saturday I was set on getting us all out and trying to enjoy it (even if I was huge pregnant and soooo sick of people commenting on my belly and it was so hot).
We met my parents for breakfast at Big Biscuit and then headed to Deanna Rose farmstead. We buy my dad a season pass for Christmas every year and we haven't gotten out there this year. So even though it was hot- like so hot- we had a great time!! Got to see the cow get milked, feed the baby goats (hilarious!), feed the ducks, ride the tractors, play on the playground- and Charlie's favorite part....FISHING!!!! He loved it so much and really liked that he legit caught two fish on his own!!!
Right after we got home from Deanna rose, I quickly changed and headed to lunch at Paulo and Bills with my high school friends. I really wanted to sulk and just lay in bed while my kids napped- but knew I would've been sad missing out to meet baby Calvin and seeing Jen and Tommy who were in town from California and Lauren and Landon in town from Wichita.
Lots of babies!!!! We missed Amy (who was at the lake) and Katie (who lives in Oklahoma and was in town the weekend before).
I LOVED holding baby Calvin!!!! He's a little nugget at around 9 lbs still (likely the size of baby carter #3) {hahahahahah....oh if I only knew at the time I typed this, which was pre-Mikey, how true that would be!!!}.
After lunch, I got home and we packed everyone up and headed to the pool. It was nice to see a bunch of neighbors (and recount why I wasn't in the hospital...) but I was pooped.
My mom brought over some delicious lasagna that we all inhaled and even better- I didn't have to cook it!
While we were planning on going to church, Jimmy had already canceled his volunteering in the nursery because we thought we'd be in the hospital so he didn't want to we just hung out at home and enjoyed a nice little quiet Sunday morning. And apparently the kids were just as anxious as we were to meet their new baby!

Maddie was getting into her normal shenanigans - she spent some naked time coloring...
...and attempting to potty train her baby doll. Who later had the unfortunate incident of getting dunked in the toilet (oops!)
Sunday after naps, we headed down to Crown Center to explore the free Mr. Potato head exhibit they had. The funny thing was...they loved it, which I wasn't sure what they would think. Even though it was a somewhat small exhibit, it wasn't too busy, there was an indoor slide and lots of fun stuff to do in there - including assembling Mr. Potato heads. We also checked out the Crayola store there (and did some drawing) and also the new set up of Halls. We haven't been down to Crown Center in a while - which is funny after working there (or next to it) for 5.5 years! The next few days - Charlie was begging to go back! Ha!
After that, we headed to Ponak's (our favorite Mexican restaurant). It was good, but everyone had to pee like 45 times, Maddie ate nothing, Charlie ate the entire bowl of guacamole (and nothing else) and it was like 7000 degrees in the restaurant. So yeah, I was ready to go home and go to sleep!!
And then I was having TERRIBLE pressure. Like intense and a lot. It was enough that it was super uncomfortable to even sit down. Jimmy swore up and down that this was the same thing I said the night I went into labor with Maddie. So I called the doctor to see what she thought. She told us to go into the L&D triage to make sure - apparently she had recently had a patient due with baby #3 that delivered the baby in the car because she didn't make it in time!! EEKK. And when she told me the ridiculous amount of money it cost them to get the car cleaned, Jimmy and I agreed to just go in.
It was a little surreal packing everything up. I wasn't sold that this was it, but I was somewhat excited about the possibility. And I made Jimmy take this ridiculous picture.
So then we got to the hospital, they hooked me up, said the baby was good and healthy and I was just feeling some intense contractions (that they were monitoring on the screen)...but when she checked me she said I was still at a 2 only. So that meant no progress from when I was checked at 38 weeks. Huge bummer. My blood pressure was a high a few times, so we had to stay a little bit and make sure it went down and then I told her I was just ready to go home wasn't labor.
When we got home around midnight and thanked my mom for coming over, I was quite upset. But was hopeful that Tuesday it would still happen. I'm not going to lie - the hardest thing about the end of pregnancy is getting through the mental aspect...and this was a HARD mental thing to get over because I literally thought I was going to meet my sweet baby on Friday - but God had other plans and we ended up having a good weekend with just Maddie and Charlie until baby #3 makes our family and hearts a little bigger!!
When we got home around midnight and thanked my mom for coming over, I was quite upset. But was hopeful that Tuesday it would still happen. I'm not going to lie - the hardest thing about the end of pregnancy is getting through the mental aspect...and this was a HARD mental thing to get over because I literally thought I was going to meet my sweet baby on Friday - but God had other plans and we ended up having a good weekend with just Maddie and Charlie until baby #3 makes our family and hearts a little bigger!!
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