Tuesday, May 13, 2014

31 weeks along

How Far Along?  31 weeks 

Size of Baby: size of a bunch of asparagus

Gender: Little baby GIRL 

Weight Gain: 26.5 lbs - so nice that according to baby center this is "above normal" and the fact that someone told me that I had the "pregnancy" walk going on.  People are just so nice, aren't they?

Maternity Clothes: oh yes - getting more into summer dresses now too.

Nursery: Wahoo!!!!!  The ruffled crib skirt is DONE and the curtains are up.  They look perfect.  I did get some fabric for the ottoman as well.  Just need to get going on the slipcover.  It doesn't match perfectly, but does match the piping a little bit better.  Now it's time for 

Movement: She's been a mover and shaker this week- not sure if it was all the walking I did last weekend or not.  Interested to see if my doctor thinks she's moved at all because I thought she was kicking me on the side instead of my bladder...but who knows!!

Symptoms: Need to keep up walking!  Maybe I should go back to early morning walks with the dogs while it's still cool.  But my heartburn is still keeping up with it!

Sleep:  Doing ok on this - not peeing that much at night, but I'm afraid this will stop.

Cravings: Hmmmm...nothing in particular this week.

What I Miss: Being able to run and chase Charlie and pick him up whenever I want and not feeling tired and sore from this big baby belly!

Best Moment This Week: She is still moving and shaking and I'm loving that.  I can just sit there at night and watch her move around.  Mother's Day was pretty special and just a good day to treasure special women in my life that are my mom or a mom that I love and look up to.  Motherhood is a crazy journey and it's so nice to have so many women to celebrate and build up AND get a few fun treats from my own boys.  AND guess what?  Apparently she turned and is head down according to my doctor. I can for sure feel her kick in the upper portion of my stomach now versus the bottom of my stomach...so YEAH!!!  That's such great news!

Panic Moment This Week: Walking out of mother's day lunch with my mom's side of the family completely defeated from dealing with crazy man who wouldn't sit down, wouldn't eat and forced everyone to entertain him and take him outside...and thinking HOW in the world will we do this with a baby as well.

Looking Forward To:  picking out some nursery wall hangings and finishing up the room.  Cannot believe there are only 2 more months!!!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh you look so great! I feel like our bumps are totally the same! I have the dress from ON too but I can't stand how the top kept falling down, I felt like my boobs were constantly falling out haha!
