Our new snazzy front porch! Way to go Rog...he designed this himself. While the railings are not on yet, it still looks great!! He was devastated to leave for Iowa without this done!
Jimmy and my dad's hard work on the retaining wall in the front. After we get these nasty stumps out...can't wait to get my green thumb going (or try!)
New garage door- made a huge difference. The other one was literally falling off.
The guest room!! No longer does it have that kids border and the green trim!! Love it.
My FAVORITE project that was completed this weekend- a new door on our master bathroom. The only one swung into the bathroom that is already freaking small, so when the door was open it made is super super small. $30 later (with a few modifications from the dream team aka Roger and Jimmy) we have a new door!
That's all. Next is just finish the concrete where we ripped it all out then get new countertops and PRESTO = new house!
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