Thursday, April 26, 2012

26 weeks - where is the time going!?

Seriously, when did this happen?  I feel like yesterday we were heading to our first doctor's appointment where I made them tell me 14 times, yes you are pregnant.  And all of a sudden there are only 14 weeks left until this little boy makes his appearance.  We are signing up and starting childbirth classes next week.  I'm pretty much BFFs with our day care lady, as we talk frequently.  And that month timeframe between appointments?  Yep, that ended as of yesterday.  We are on the every 2 weeks now.  Which I knew was coming, but honestly thought was going to be forever away.  

Maybe I was in denial or something, like I didn't know what was going to happen at the end of all this. But guess what?!  We are moving right along.  Moving right along with only 2 weeks left in the second trimester before we go full speed ahead to the third trimester.  Holy moly.

This week I got a lot of "Whoa - you are looking much bigger" and now random strangers have absolutely NO doubt that there's a baby in there and it isn't just that I ate too much for lunch or dinner.  I have felt "huge" for a while (even though I know there is a long way to go, I'm glad this process is somewhat gradual because I'm not sure if I could handle going from normal weight to super pregnant), but now that other people are starting to comment on it...I start to question things.  Which is why I took like a page list of questions to my doctor just to get reassurance that I'm not too big already.  She is the nicest person ever and continually reassured me that I'm moving along just fine, gaining weight the right way and guess what the best news was?  She says there is one healthy little baby boy in there.  With a strong heartbeat who likes to move all over and really like it when I drink a glass of milk.  So guess what?  That's what I'm holding on to because really - that is the most important thing.  

Without further ado - the 26 week bump.  That is growing and growing and growing...

Seriously, check me out from the front.  I mean that is a baby folks.  Wowza.

How far along: 26 weeks
Size of Baby BOY Carter: 1.5-2.5 lbs and 14 inches 
Fruit/vegetable comparison: Size of a head of lettuce!
Total weight gain: 16lbs
Sleep:  Much better!
Movement: He's a crazy baby moving everywhere.  Especially when I drink milk or caffeine.
Unglamorous body changes: Just the "WHOA" statements.  But I guess I am happy because it's very obvious that I'm pregnant - finally!
Food cravings: I NEEDED a DQ cookie dough blizzard this week.  And I got it.
What I miss: I miss coffee this week!!!
Strange experiences: None this week 
Milestones: His eyes are forming and they are starting to open.  He is also taking breaths! 
Best moment this week: I always love doctor's appointments and was happy to have Jimmy there this time to hear his little heart beat again!  Also, a phone call that saved us LOTS of money. To get a spot in the day care center we liked, we were going to have to start paying in August (yep 3 months before we actually need it) because it was either August or March and since I'm going back to work in November - not really lots of choices.  Well - the owner called to tell me Tuesday that she had been working hard to move things around and has it worked out that we don't have to start paying until he actually starts attending.  Um hello - that's like a savings of 2.5 house payments.  Vacation anyone?  Haha, just kidding - but seriously, so happy about that and now I can be more excited about staying home with my little guy!


  1. 14 weeks will breeze by! You are looking great!

    I've never heard of paying for childcare before your kid was actually there! Some places require a registration fee to hold the place, but that is it. I'm glad that all worked out for you.

    1. Thanks!! And I know, crazy right? The centers in downtown KC were nutso when we were looking at spots - some were out to January 2014 for infants and we were needing November 2012!!! AHH!! This place was either August or March, based on the infants that were in the room...and we liked it, so we agreed to August. SO happy this lady is wonderful and was able to work it out! Just hope it works out and we like it a lot when we start going there!! You never know :)

  2. Brittany, you look like you are supposed to! Pregnant and beautiful. I had the same feelings as you are having right now. Hang in there and keep drinking that milk! Calcium is good for the babe;)

    1. Thank you Krista!! Feeling good about it all and I got to actually see the little guy moving around today - so little things like that make you appreciate all the changes and know they are worth it!!!!!
