Monday, April 2, 2012

Lucky 22??

I meant to post this on Friday, but that didn't happen....and then again on Saturday and nope, didn't happen either...and then on Sunday.  Whoops.  So here we are.  Monday morning while I eat breakfast, I finally write it!!  

Why the title "Lucky 22"?  Well, I was really hoping that on Friday we would get lucky and win the Mega Millions (what a craze that was).  SO when I woke up on Saturday morning and checked to see if anyone had won the big jackpot and when it said someone in Baltimore AND Kansas (and I think one more state) I had my hopes up.  Well - that didn't work out (sorry for all my friends out there because I would have given you some of the ridiculous amount of winnings).  But guess what did happen that was lucky?!

Well - Mr. Jackson Matlock made his appearance into this world, born to our wonderful friends Emily and Jeff!!!  Emily and Jackson both did awesome and are both healthy, so that's such great news!!!!!!!!!  He was born Friday morning at 9:21AM at 8lbs 1 ounce and let me tell you, he's pretty freaking cute!  We got to see him on Saturday morning and I had a hard time passing him on when other people wanted to hold him!  I will have a few pictures in my next post - don't worry I told Jackson and his mom about his blog debut and he was pretty excited about it.

Other thing that was lucky?  Well, the KU Jayhawks won their final four game on Saturday night.  I'm pretty sure my husband couldn't have had a better weekend or been more excited about the big win.  He spent his Saturday (from 3:30-11:00) at Maloney's with his friends - which is a bar just down the street from us and had a pretty good time.  Needless to say, he didn't make it to church on Sunday.  However, I think he did a lot of praying on Saturday and it worked because his team will be in the national championship game tonight at 8PM.  Unlucky for him, he has a work meeting until he's hoping/praying that they get out early.  We'll see.

So there you have it - the "Lucky 22" did kind of apply, right??  I say so!!

Another fun event this week?  On Thursday night we went to a kids consignment sale that was in the Prairie Village shopping center just down the street from us that my sister in law clued us in on and said there was good stuff.  Well that night happened to be the start of the sale when everything went 1/2 price.  Pretty freaking awesome.  We didn't really know what to expect...but it was pretty neat!!!  Lots of great stuff.  We didn't get anything big just yet, but I did find some nice maternity clothes for a great deal.  When I got finished, I was looking around for Jimmy and found him in the little boys section with like 13 outfits in hand.  He was having a great time shopping for little baby Carter.  Of course everything he picked up was Polo...many of which Jimmy has the same shirt to match.  Oh Jimmy.  However, they were SUPER cute and guess what?  They were like $1.50 - $5.00 each!!!  That's it!  Two of the items we got were brand new with tags on them with retail prices of like $29.00 each.  Holy cow.  Since Baby Carter isn't here yet, Jimmy tried one shirt on Willy that was kind of matching his.....

So cute!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend and here's to a great week!!!

How far along: 23 weeks
Size of Baby BOY Carter: 12.7-20.8 oz (that's a wide range, I'm guessing like 13-14 oz) and 11.8 inches
Fruit/vegetable comparison: Size of a pomegrante
Total weight gain: 13lbs
Sleep:  Now I'm just super hot!!
Movement: Um yes for sure.  Like a lot, but it's still something that I can only feel!!  I can't wait until Jimmy can feel it on the outside
Unglamorous body changes: Stomach keeps getting bigger and bigger
Food cravings: watermelon for some reason!
What I miss: I guess just drinking coffee and pop in excess.  That was fun.
Strange experiences: None this week
Milestones: Digestive system is starting to develop.
Best moment this week: Probably buying the sweet little boy some new fun and cute clothes.  AND getting to meet his future bff Jackson.  He was for sure moving all around in my stomach when I was holding Jackson!!

1 comment:

  1. How did I miss this post?? You look so cute! I love the little guy's polo shirt too--I need to find a sale like that in Houston!
